
light! color! spring!

As we tiptoed through the legion of vari-hued tulips in Central Park over the weekend, I thought of these wondrously vibrant images by photographer Sølve Sundsbø. We had just taken in the Met's Bonnard exhibit for the third and final time (it closed Sunday); there, too, I was rejuvenated by the luminous yellow, turquoise, vermillion and fuschia palette.

This Sundsbø-Bonnard color connection is a thing of beauty in itself.

:sundsbø images, v magazine via foto decadent; pierre bonnard, still life with fruit (1939), met museum


The Clever Pup said...

Gorgeous. The woman in the top image is exactly like a giant orchid.

Janelle said...

mindblowingly vibrant! whew! thanks. xxx j

Unknown said...

Wasn't that exhibition wonderful??? I am a painter myself and I can't get over the colors and compostions in his paintings of interiors. He was genius, not so in the frontline like others, but wow...
The photographs are amazing, what verve and movement!
Love your blog!

Bayou Contessa said...

These beautiful images lift my heart and my spirit celebrates the arrival of spring. Whenever I need a visual and/or spiritual pick-me-up I visit your wonderful thoughtful blog.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Genius. I love it too.

automatism said...

Oh, how utterly lovely. Thanks so much for this, Diana — and lucky you, seeing the Bonnard show! It must have been wonderful.


Ann said...

So colorful, lively, and cheerful. I love the mix.

Giulia said...

Thank you so very much. Until about 10 years ago, many of us caught hell from "serious" art critics when we'd buy a Bonnard book, pay a special visit to some paintings in permanent collections, even bring him up. These critics had declared Bonnard out of favor. One trustee at the Phillips said that he was "embarrassed" by Bonnard. So many years ago that I can't remember how that came up in conversation but I nearly spat. (I did not but he his burnt forever in my mind as a jackass). Last 5 years or so, all falling over themselves to "redeem" Bonnard. Like he needed them. Sorry to be a pill but I'm just so glad that the tide has turned. I hope forever.

Lovely blog.

AshleyL. said...

This post was EYE HEAVEN! So beautiful bold and bright! GREAT post!

dee said...

These photos are so so so pretty...and I love Sonia Rykiel, too!

Gabbi said...

Amazing is right and your tulips in Central park sound lovely. I miss NY.