

Can you identify the sculptural relief from this close-up shot? Anyone? Anyone?

Completed in 1934, this elaborate relief by Alfred Janniot decorates the entrance to 610 Fifth Avenue (aka La Maison Française) in Rockefeller Center. This bronze wonder represents Paris and New York joining hands above the figures of three graces. Poetry is on the left. Can you guess the identity of the two other figures before scrolling down?

Yes. Beauty and Elegance. Bien sûr.

* my first entry for this year's 217project (217 original swoond/dianamuse photo posts in 2010); many, probably most, will be images of our fair manhattan in perspective of varying degrees. i better get a move on.

:images dianamuse


secretfragileskies said...

gorgeous beginning! looking forward to more nyc.

Luisa Perkins said...

I used to love walking through that building when I worked in that neighborhood. Beauty and Elegance, indeed.

belindadelpesco.com said...

Saturday Twilight at the MET made me gush compliments to you - aloud to the image on my computer screen. So, so good.