
energy renewal

As Nicholas Kristof wrote in today's Times, "One of Mr. Obama's challenges will be to harness the extraordinary idealism that he inspired in his campaign to a large, national cause ... The obvious way to institutionalize that kind of excitement is a national service program, not only for young people but also for graying baby boomers considering 'encore careers.'"

Millions of new community organizers are at the ready to serve. That fact alone makes me wish that our presidents - well, this president-elect in particular - were inaugurated the day after the election.

:bruce munro, field of light, via dezeen


Lynne said...

These are actually very beautiful photos - very delicate.

tangobaby said...

I think you're right...I for one am looking for a way that I'll be able to help contribute my time and talents, if I can.

I would rather see the White House empty right now than have the current resident still there through most of January. I wish Obama some rest. He will need every ounce of strength and good health to deal with the issues at stake.