
the living and the dead

Joe Holmes shot the first of his amnh images in fall 2005, as an antidote to his obsession with New York City street photography; the darkness and languid pace of the American Museum of Natural History offered some interesting - and welcome - alternatives to Holmes's usual "city life" fare.

Three years to the day after Holmes shot the first amnh image, he returned to the museum on a whim, curious to see if those silhouettes could still hold his interest. He came away just as enthralled by the power of a simple silhouette. According to Holmes's artist statement on 20x200, he remains "fascinated by the surreal mix of living and dead, real and artificial, human and animal, and by the whimsy and wistfulness suggested by such juxtapositions."

Joe Holmes's current exhibition, under | exposed, is on view at the Wall Space Gallery in Seattle.


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