
composite wizard

The force behind Paper Tiger is Dianna Potter, a self-described artist and craftster. Based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Potter has an extensive background in visual and performing arts. The projects featured on her website include journals, posters, illustration and the whimsical composites you see here. I was pulled in by the decorative walls on her model homes - as well as the interesting little frame-within-a-frame vignettes in each piece.

:paper tiger


Jen said...

I'm very attracted to these pieces - they're wonderful!

/// said...

Best. post. ever.

Mary-Laure said...

These are so fun and smart! I especially love the one with the retro typewriter...

BTW, check out my live coverage of the Cannes Film Festival! Yes, I'm there...

Jane Flanagan said...

These are intriguing! Immediately beautiful and engaging upon second glance.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! Thanks so much for posting them, Diana.
