
silver bells

I like the various (but few), interestingly-juxtaposed elements in the white room above. And the silver sphere theme carries over to this marble, silver & chrome-clad kitchen. I think these caught my eye because I'm thinking about scheduling the trek to our storage area to retrieve our load of holiday ornaments and decor - including many mini-versions of the silver balls you see here.

Likey, or no likey?

(Lurv the Bertoia counter-height stools...)

:images courtesy of Ghislaine ViƱas, photographer Steven Randazzo, Shootfactory - pilfered from purplearea


Brilliant Asylum said...

Likey! I don't know if it is the Holiday season or what, but silver is so appealing to me right now. It has that luxe, flashy look that is a welcome change after a few months of earth tones that Martha and co. promote during this time of year.

ALL THE BEST said...

Love them!! I think they are fab!!

katiedid said...

Love the kitchen photo. I am thinking that I would use the Bertoia stools in my kitchen, but am starting to think they are being overused lately. What do you think?

72 and sunny said...

ya i dig those too.

have you seen that commercial with the women sitting around a kitchen island in what looks like a very modest home? they're all sitting on these. i always think, 'ya right. like we're supposed to believe the house owner splurged on 700 dollar bar stools"

i think the art director just wanted them at the end of the shoot.

72 and sunny said...

oh, and, these are classics. i grew up with them. classic never gets overused.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

oh gasp LOVE, LOVE both. How can I recreate that look. Hmmm.....

Michelle said...

I love love love that kitchen, it is perfect!

Luisa Perkins said...

Me big likey.

blah said...

I knew we had similar taste :-)! I posted on these (after you :-)