
slide show: victory for hope across the world

At President Obama's former school in Jakarta, Indonesia


Manila, Philippines

Christine King Farria, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s sister, at a church in Atlanta

President Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Obama, in Kogelo, Kenya

Jerusalem, Israel


New York City

Washington, D.C.

Rockefeller Center, New York

Obama(!!), Japan

Harris County, Texas

:huffington post


Jen said...

More tears

tangobaby said...

I feel like this is the turning point of so many lives. The fact that people all over the world rejoice for and with us makes this accomplishment even sweeter.

P said...

That was me! In the cab! I mean, that's not me exactly, but I was in a cab screaming my head off when the results came in. I was two blocks from home, got out of the cab, and went tearing down the block to my apartment so I could get home in time for the speeches. Such an amazing moment in history. I've been bawling my eyes out off and on since last night.

paris parfait said...

People in France are so happy that we made the wise choice!