
chihuly part II: because more is more...

...sometimes. Well, often. Feng shu-i. Phoo-i. That's what I say. And since any foray into the extravagant, overblown (pun acknowledged) world of Chihuly is an exercise in hyperindulgence, why not just do another post and heap it on? Besides, how could I not include images from his New York installation? Answer: I couldn't (NOT include, that is). So, here we have pics from Chihuly's Glass and Gardens series which sprouted and adorned and materialized in The New York Botanical Garden during the summer and fall of 2006. And there's more (much more) here. But tomorrow (okay, I'm not even fooling myself) - whenever I next put up a post that consists of more than one photo, I will observe some restraint. We're in for a virtual cleansing of the palate - and the palette. Yes we are. Yes we can. Woooowooohooo.

So, while you can, enjoy the bacchanal.

And this for the lovely Kate of Girl Meets Glamour who comment-queried:

Is this the artist whose work is in the Bellagio?

Well, yes it is. Yes we can. Woohoooohooooo. Here's an up-close of the Chihuly ceiling in the Bellagio lobby. (And while we're at it, who has actually been there, if you don't mind the admission?)



Rubymelt said...

I have stayed at the Bellagio and it is amazing!

Jen said...

How can you use "restraint" and "Chihuly" in the same sentence? ;-)

Luisa Perkins said...

There's a reason Chihuly rhymes with "drooly." So very gorgeous.

My only Bellagio experience has been via the "Ocean's" movies.

Unknown said...

Chihuly exhibited at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. It was just beautiful. We kept one of his two story high fixtures for our lobby.

studio wellspring said...

gorgeous photos ~ i adore chihuly's work. he's from the town of my alma mater, tacoma washington and a lot of his incredible work is displayed around town and on campus.

studio wellspring said...
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Neutral Dwelling said...

I love his work! The boat in the water is terrific! I have seen his artwork at the Bellagio and it is quite spectacular!

phoenix said...

Wow! These images are out of this world!